Seminar & events

Terrestrial ecology, seminar and journal club

Teaching module on KSL: 2153-HS2024-0
Seminar schedule on ILIAS with PDF's

The Terrestrial Ecology (TERR) seminar series takes place only during the Fall Semesters. The TERR seminar mainly consists of talks given by the members of TERR. Through this seminar, we aim to provide students with an overview of our ongoing research centred on investigating global change effects on terrestrial biodiversity. As a participant in this seminar, a student will have to actively participate in the discussion and will be evaluated based on how often they engage in the discussion through asking questions and sharing their views. The final exam is writing an essay by connecting two different talks.

  • Time: unless specified otherwise, every Tuesday, at 14:15
  • Place: Haller-Auditiorium 248, Geologie, Baltzerstrasse 1
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Madhav P. Thakur

Below is the list of forthcoming events.

17.09.2024 Gerard Martinez De Leon, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Population and community responses of soil organisms after heat extremes

24.09.2024 Dr. Caroline Daniel, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Stably coexisting communities deliver higher levels of multifunctionality

01.10.2024 Dr. Eva Gril, EDYSAN (Ecologie et Dynamique des Systèmes Anthropisés), CNRS - Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France

Modelling forest microclimate and its consequences on understory flora under climate change

08.10.2024 Itzel Lopez Montoya, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Effects of warming and drought on soil microorganisms

15.10.2024 Anouk Gremion, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

MSc project final presentation: Exploring the role of plant-soil feedbacks in Brachypodium pinnatum ring formation

22.10.2024 Dr. Zachary Bailey, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

The effects of Climate Change on soil viruses and their microbial hosts.

29.10.2024 Shareen Sanders, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

The influence of climate extremes on the success of non-native plants

05.11.2024 Dr. Nicholas Ofiti, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Dirt-y secrets: plant-soil relationship drama in a changing climate

12.11.2024 no talks


19.11.2024 Dr. Ana-Hermina Ghenu, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Can heat and diversity curb a strong competitor?: Microbial lessons from the lab

26.11.2024 Jingjing Shi, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Understanding the resistance and recovery of soil fungi and bacteria through biotic interactions under climate extremes

03.12.2024 Loraine Hablützel, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Adaptation to heat and antibiotics in monocultures vs. cocultures

10.12.2024 Nicolò Tartini, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Interactive effects of heat waves and drought on grassland plants across seasons

17.12.2024 Prof. Dr. Madhav P. Thakur, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Effects of periodic heat waves and predation on Collembola