Previous seminars

Autumn 2023

19.09.2023 Nicolò Tartini, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Plant insect interaction in a changing world

26.09.2023 Dr. Ana-Hermina Ghenu, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Is the whole greater than the sum of its parts?: higher-order interactions impact the resistance and recovery of soil bacteria to extreme heat events

03.10.2023 Daniel Roth, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

BSc project introduction: Microbial colonizers of icelandic nunataks: evaluating fungal and bacterial diversity and the influence of island size and age in glacial landscapes

Anouk Gremion, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

MSc project introduction: Does plant-soil-feedback explain the spatial dynamics of the clonal grass Brachypodium pinnatum?

10.10.2023 Adriana Moriguchi Jeckel, University of Bern, IPS, Switzerland

Chemically mediated host pathogen interactions under climate extremes

17.10.2023 Anine Wyser, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

MSc project final presentation: Drought influence on belowground trophic interactions in slow and fast growing plants

Jan Tscheulin, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

MSc project final presentation: Fungal and bacteria interaction in drought

24.10.2023 Yu Sun, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Effects of severe drought on root morphological traits across plant functional groups: A meta-analysis

31.10.2023 Itzel Lopez, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

The role of multitrophic soil diversity in the establishment of an invasive plant during global change

14.11.2023 Shareen Sanders, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

The Roots of Triumph: explaining invasive success through plant-soil feedback experiments in the context of climate extremes

21.11.2023 Gerard Martinez De Leon, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Soil community responses to climate extremes at different elevations across seasons

05.12.2023 Jingjing Shi, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

The resistance and recovery of soil fungi and bacteria under climate extremes: a biotic interaction perspective

12.12.2023 Chiara Zimmermann, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

MSc project final presentation: Thermoregulation in a lowland spider species

Fabrice Bucheli, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

MSc project final presentation: Unveiling the role of host-plant dynamics for butterfly range expansions in a changing world

19.12.2023 Prof. Dr. Madhav P. Thakur & Dr. Ludovico Formenti, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Effects of periodic heat waves and predation on Collembola

Spring 2023

28.02.2023 Journal club: Gerard, Henrik, Patrick, Tobia and Chiara

14.03.2023 Journal club: Shareen, Anine and Angeline
28.03.2023 Journal club: Itzel, Jan, Jana and Sophie
11.04.2023 MSc project introduction: Fabrice
18.04.2023 Journal club: Nico, Sandra and Marvin
25.04.2023 Journal club: Yu and Delia

BSc & MSc projects: Liz and Chiara

Autumn 2022

20.09.2022 Shareen Sanders, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Biotic resistance of a grassland community is not supported through plant soil feedback

27.09.2022 Dr. Ludovico Formenti, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

FoBEx- introducing an experimental framework to study the effects of  climate extremes on terrestrial biodiversity

04.10.2022 Dr. Silvia Brochet, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Exploring the effect of climate change on soil-associated bacterial communities

11.10.2022 Gerard Martinez De Leon, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Fast life in a warmer world: how does warming affect size-at-stage in two soil invertebrates?

18.10.2022 Dr. Susan Everingham, University of Bern, IPS, Switzerland

The Bug-Network: testing the impacts of invertebrate herbivory and pathogen damage on plant communities on a global scale

25.10.2022 Yu Sun, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Altered root traits due to elevated drought: a meta-analysis

01.11.2022 Jan Philip Tscheulin, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

MSc project introduction: Interactions of multiple fungal species with bacteria in soil under extreme condition

Anine Wyser, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

MSc project introduction: Drought influence on belowground trophic interactions in slow and fast growing plants

08.11.2022 Silvan Zünd, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

BSc project final presentation: Interactive effects of drought, eutrophication and heat shock on trophic cascades in a soil food chain.

Anouk Gremion, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

BSc project introduction: Reproductive senescence in Collembola at higher temperatures: myth, reality or just a temporary phenomenon?

15.11.2022 Yinyin Ma, Eawag, Switzerland

Spread of functional novelty during microbial range expansion

29.11.2022 Nicolò Tartini, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Applications of eDNA in Biodiversity

06.12.2022 Prof. Dr. Madhav P. Thakur, University of Bern, IEE, Switzerland

Impacts of biological invasion on ecosystems

Spring 2022

01.03.2022 Dr. Jenalle L. Eck, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Strain Diversity and Spatial Distribution Are Linked to Epidemic Dynamics in Host Populations [PDF]

15.03.2022 Dr. Susanne Kortsch, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Disentangling temporal food web dynamics facilitates understanding of ecosystem functioning  [PDF]

29.03.2022 Dr. Andrea Tabi, Center for Ecological Research, Hungary

Species multidimensional effects explain idiosyncratic responses of communities to environmental change [PDF]

12.04.2022 Dr. Anna Kempel, WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Switzerland
03.05.2022 Dr. Anton Potapov, University of Gottingen, Germany

Linking size spectrum, energy flux and trophic multifunctionality in soil food webs of tropical land-use systems [PDF]

17.05.2022 Dr. Rutger Wilschut, University of Konstanz, Germany

Root traits and belowground herbivores relate to plant–soil feedback variation among congeners [PDF]


Final discussion / Exam